myredbook fantasies

I hear little voices in my little head. They tell me strange tales of conquests. I shall channel them to you throught the blogger api.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

RE: I am very angry with this constant bs...

>I am very angry with this constant bs that continues to go on
>Why do i see reviews after reviews aftewr reviews get
>removed when there is no reason other than the provider is a
>well known good provider. There was a review recently on
>ZZZZ that was 100% real and a true review. It was
>left by someone that wished not to have his true identity
>known for safety reasons and other reasons wich i will not
>get into. Infact i am ready to also leave a dissatidsfied
>review on her from her poor performance as of late. Only i
>am also good friends with her so I allso have the delema of
>her knowing its me. This is bullshit that reviewxs are taken
>down. this needs to be stopped. I am not the only person
>upset with this. My buddy is sitting by me know and is very
>angy that you removed that review bugt will not identify
>himself becuase he feels there is no safety with any of you
>anyomore and that to much info leaks out ewverywhere. He may
>no longer continue as a member and espevcially not a vip
>member any longer . I also may choose this becuase we dont
>seem to get the real truth.

We can only go off of the information we get.

>>I have seen ZZZZ 4 times.

This is the first submitted review by this handle, and for this provider.
The rest of review is a simple bash, no service review details were provided, thus of limited believablility and value.

>reviews get removed when there is no reason
>other than the provider is a well known good provider.

She has other average reviews submitted recently by credible people with appropriate details, and those are still there.

>i am also good friends with her

Also? This is how you and your buddy treat your good friends? Submitting bashes as reviews.

>I allso have the delema of her knowing its me
What is the problem? You are not going to session with her anymore, are you?

Your story does not sound credible to me.
You tell me that it is "your buddy", however your story reads as if it were you. For example, your buddy has a declining service over the past 2 times with her... yet you continue to see her, and experience the same decline? Why would you continue to see her after your own friend had such an experience?

Why would anyone continue to see a person after the first decline?

What this suggests to me is that you had some sort of "relationship" with ZZZZ. Relationship meaning: something more than a simple business transaction. That you have had a falling out with her, that is one reason why you do not want her to know it is you since she will want to defend herself if she knows it's you.

While you may consider your review the truth. The truth is not necessarily a review. For example, the simple bash may truthfully reflect the declining services received to you, but it is deceitful in that it does not disclose the underlying circumstances. In this case, the relationship.

I don't know your circumstances, but it usually begins when the guy starts to have feelings for the girl. All girls love repeat business until the client-provider relationship boundries are pushed.

The purpose of a review is to provide other hobbyists with an expectation of service for their own session. It is not to report drama based on a deteriorated relationship. Relationship issues can be posted and discussed in the Redbook Diaries forum.

I don't know ZZZZ nor you, personally. I only try to act in the best interests of the membership based on the information I have.

Good luck and move on. There are lots of other ladies who would love your $$.